IQA - How to Apply Samples to a Plan

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Smart Assessor provides the opportunity to apply IQA samples, this user guide demonstrates how to IQA apply samples to a sampling plan.


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IQA only


  1. Select QA sample plan from the grey navigation bar.
    SA tabs with QA sample plan selected
  2. Select the relevant Course and associated sample plan from the two drop down lists and filter
    IQA dashboard with select course and plan highlighted
  3. Select the appropriate Assessment Methods & Assessment Processes. (Note: Assessment methods are fixed and cannot be amended & Assessment Processes are customisable and created by Master admin role)
    IQA Dashboard with assessment methods and procedures highlighted
  4. Select the appropriate Sample Type and Sample Date.

IQA dashboard with sample type and date highlighted
  1. Select the appropriate sampling. Choosing either the unit or individual criteria within the chosen unit.

IQA Sample table
  1. Click Apply Samples.

IQA dashboard with apply random sample button highlighted

(Note: that the system will flag up any assessor who have not been risk rated accordingly-see risk rating guide for details).

SA Warning Message showing learners with no samples applied

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