Add/ Edit Wellbeing Resources

Wellbeing resources can only be created by a Master Admin and are available to ALL learners via the Wellbeing Resources tile.

To add or edit a Wellbeing Resource:

  1. Select the Admin navigation tab.

  1. Click on the Add/Edit Wellbeing Resources menu item.
Add/ Edit Wellbeing Resources Menu item
  1. This displays the list of resources that have already been uploaded to the site. Exisiting resources can be deactivated, reactivated or deleted using the Action buttons.
Existing Well being resource action buttons
  1. To create a new Wellbeing Resource, select the Add New button. This will open the Create Wellbeing Resurce modal.
  2. Select the Resource Type drop down to choose whether you are uploading a file or linking a URL.
  3. To upload a file select the Choose File button to browse your computer for the desired file.
Uploading a file
  1. To link using a URL, simply enter the URL into the Location field.
Link using a URL
  1. Finally enter a description and select Save to create the new resource.
Adding a description and saving

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