Course Builder - How to Expire a Course and Import a New Version

Course Builder - How to Expire a Course and Import a New Version


Smart Assessor Course Builder has many functions, for the purpose of this user guide it will provide an overview of how to expire an existing version of a standard/qualification and import a new version using course builder.


Ensure the existing course has been marked as ‘OLD’ in the course title for existing courses.


Master admin- only

How to... (don't worry, there's only 7 steps!)

1. Click Admin tab on the grey navigation bar.

2. Select Qualification tab, select Course Builder option.

3. Select a Core Type of the Course you wish access.

4. Select ‘Edit existing course and enter the course name or LARs code you wish to expire and click on ‘Next.’

5. In the ‘Course name’ section add ‘OLD’ after the course title and then do the same in the ‘Course code’ section. Then move on to expire the current version with today’s date and then deactivate the course by selecting No in the ‘Active’ section. Once complete press Save Course.

Recap on expiring/deactivating an existing version

  • Type ‘OLD in ‘Course Name’ section after the standard name
  • In the ‘Course Code’ section type ‘OLD’ after the standard LARs
  • In the ‘Expiration ‘date’ section enter date of expiring the current version (this has be on the same day of importing a new version)
  • In the ‘Active’ section select ‘No’ and deactivate the current version
  • Click on ‘Save Course’ to ensure all changes have been changed

Please note – It is essential all of the instructions above are completed before attempting to import a new version.

Importing a New Version

6. Go back to course builder by clicking on ‘Back to Course Selection', select standard (Qualification if the course is not a standard), then click on ‘New course based on existing.’ In the ‘Select a course’ section click on ‘Master Qual’ type the standard name or LARs code and then click on ‘Review and Create.’

A new version of the standard will appear on the next screen, the ‘Include off the job calculation’ by default will be set to ‘No.’ If you wish to activate this then you will need to select ‘Yes’ on the drop down and then at the bottom of the page click on ‘Save Course.’

7. This is the last step in the process, to ensure the new version pulls through for future enrolments, it is essential the following instructions are followed through.

Click on ‘Back to Course Selection’ then select Standard, click on ‘Edit Existing Course’ and type the name of the expired standard which is marked as ‘OLD’ and click on ‘Next.’

Delete ‘OLD’ from the ‘Course Code’ section, once it has been removed, the section will highlight in red with text ‘Course Code is not unique.’

You will need to add a ‘space’ before the course code, by doing this the code will be identified as being unique. Finally scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on ‘Save Course.’

SUCCESS! The existing version has now been successfully deactivated/expired and the new version will be linked to learners in the future. We told you it was easy :)

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