1. After logging in as Master Admin, select the Admin tab.

  1. Select Qualification tab, select Course Builder option.

  1. Select a Core Type of the Course you wish access.

  • Standard- provides access to Standard
  • Gateway- provide access to Gateway
  • Qualification- provide access to Qualifications and pathways

  1. Select Create New Course and Create.

  1. Complete all mandatory fields (* is mandatory), Once complete press Save Course.

  1. To edit modules, select Edit Modules (Note: (*) for frameworks, it will display Edit Units).

  1. Two options will display: copy modules from an existing course or create a new module for the course. To access either option, click the chevron.  complete all mandatory fields * and press Save. 

  1. To copy modules from an existing course, select either Client (note * qualifications or standards held within the client’s site) or Master Qual (note * held within Smart Assessor). Select course. From the drop-down list, select the course required, which will display all modules within the course. Select the required modules and press Copy Modules.

  1. To edit, click on the pencil icon, or delete by selecting the red X. (Note: * Do not change the 1 to 1 consultation; it is a driver unit with system logic attached)

  1. Click on Edit Topics and use the drop-down chevron to open the unit.

  1. Adding new topic, the following information needs to be completed:
  • Type
  • Title
  • Code
  • Show order
  • Description
  • Learning outcome

Edit the information by clicking the pencil icon; to delete, select the red cross; and to duplicate the topic, select the duplicate icon.

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