Audit Trails


This guide will show Master Administrators what information can be seen in the Audit Trails. 


 User must be logged in with access to the Admin menu. 


Users will need to be logged in as a Master Administrator to access this area. 


To view the Audit Trails, select the Admin tab and then select Audit Trails. 

Graphical user interface, text, application, email
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Next, select the area that you want to view. 

 Admin Audit Log 

This shows you Administrator session events (logins and logouts) for the past 24 hours for all administrators.  

You can change the time range by editing the date fields and can select an individual Administrator from the drop-down list. Select Go to apply your changes to the log. 




Assessor CPD 

This table shows you all Assessors, the number of Learners assigned to each Assessor, the number of learners On Track, any documents you have uploaded in this table, the Date of Login and a link to that Assessor’s CPD log. 


You can filter this table by entering details into the Assessor Name field and selecting Filter. 

A picture containing background pattern
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Audit Email Log 

This shows you emails sent to Learners and Assessors in the past week.  


You can change the time range by editing the date fields. The system defaults to showing All emails, you can alter this filter to either show emails To Learners or To Assessors by selecting the appropriate radio button. Select Go to apply your changes to the log. 





Emails that have been generated by the system that fall within the parameters set by the filters will display in the table. 

Data recorded includes Date (including time); To; From; Subject and Message. 


Change Audit Log 

You can filter this audit log to display changes to either Learners or Employers by selecting the user type from the Change Data drop-down list, this defaults to Learner. 

The date range defaults to the last 24 hours but can be altered as needed by selecting the relevant date field and altering the date. 

Select submit to run the log on the screen or Excel to download the log in Excel format. 


Data recorded for a Learner includes Learner name; ULR; Which Field has Changed; Original Data; New Data; Date of Change and Who Changed. 

Data recorded for an Employer includes Company Name; Business Location; Branch Code; Which Field has Changed; Original Data; New Data; Date of Change and Who Changed. 


Evidence Audit Trail 

This Trail defaults to show any changes to evidence in the last 24 hours. 

The date range can be altered as needed by selecting the relevant date field and altering the date. 

 Select Go to run the trail on the screen or Excel to download the trail in Excel format. 


Data recorded includes Learner Name; Course Name; Date of Change; Type of Change; What Changed and Who Changed. 


SMS Audit Log 

This shows you SMS messages sent to Learners and Assessors in the past 24 hours.  

You can change the date range by editing the date fields. The system defaults to showing All SMS messages, you can alter this filter to either show SMS messages To Learners or To Assessors by selecting the appropriate radio button.  

You can also filter the list by entering details into the Search field. 

Select Go to apply your changes to the log or Export to export the data in Excel format. 



Data recorded includes Date (including time); To; Number and Message. 


User Audit Log 

This shows you log in data for all Learners for the past 24 hours.  

The date range can be altered as needed by selecting the relevant date field and altering the date. 

You can also filter the users by selecting a specific Learner from the drop-down list in the Show events for field. 

Select Go to run the log with the filters applied. 


Data recorded includes LANID (Username); Full Name; Login Time and Logout Time. 

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