Book A Group Session

Method 1

  1. Navigate to the learners Learning Plan for the course you require.

  1. Click New session.

  1. Complete the list of questions.
  • Select primary assessor or secondary assessor.
  • Learner is pre-selected.
  • Select the session method, traditional/ face to face or Smart session (smart room technology)
  • Location of visit (Note that this will be on the email that is sent out to the learner and yourself)
  • Select date and time, if you see a BLUE date this means that the assessor or Learner has a meeting booked within the same day and to check for anytime clashes on the time of your requested booking. The system will not let allow double booking for same time.
  • Duration of session
  • Number of participants: Set the number of participants.
  • Select the course/s that you wish to cover (Note: induction/formal review should be set to ALL aims)
  • Session type-
  • General- to be used for a general meeting.
  • Induction - will move a learner from awaiting induction status to in training status & when attended this will evidence on induction has taken place and will contribute to induction reports.
  • Formal review-to be used for formal reviews.
  • Telephone - to be used for remote meeting.
  • Exit session - to be used at exit stage.
  • Out of the Workplace - when marked as closed the duration time will record in time log for 20% OTJ.
  • Learner Support- support session.
  • Initial Session- to evidence 1st day of in-learning.
  • Gateway Ready - when the learner is ready to go into the gateway.
  • EPA - for the EPA preparations/ schedules


  • Repeat session.
  • Repeat frequency.
  • Repeat every - day/week/ month.
  • End date session continue until this date.
  • Master Admin users can configure custom Session Types, which would mean the user booking the session may see different values available to them.
  • As the 20% rule is for those learners who started their apprenticeship before 01/08/2022, so this isn’t necessarily used for those with a start date after 01/08/2022.

  1. Check all details are correct prior to clicking create a new session which can be located top or bottom of the page on the righthand side.


Note: If you selected more than one participant so considering it as a group session you have option to select course and additional participants.

  1. Once a session has been created it will display in the learning plan in chronological order. (Note: attended sessions cannot be amended unless unlocked by a Master Admin user).

  1. The following information can be amended prior to attending the session by clicking on the calendar icon.

Method 2

  1. Click on the sessions tab, then click New', which takes you to the Book new session page.

  1. Complete the list of questions.

  1. Check all details are correct prior to clicking create a new session which can be located top or bottom of the page on the righthand side.


  1. once a session has been created it will display in the learning plan in chronological order. (Note: attended sessions cannot be amended unless unlocked by a Master Admin user).

  1. The following information can be amended prior to attending the session by clicking on the calendar icon.

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