Forms - Managing Form Types

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Forms - Managing Form Types


Smart Assessor gives you the ability to create your own form type, allowing you to create forms that fit in with your specific policies and processes. 


User must know the name of the Form Type that they want to create. 


Users will need the following permissions to be able to view and use the above pages - Master Administrator 


  1. When logged in as a Master Administrator, select the Admin Tab followed by the Forms Tab within the Admin area and then select the Manage Form Types option. 
    The existing Form Types within the system are:
  • Other 
  • Test/Exams 
  • Workbook 
  • Survey 
  • Enrolment 
  • Review 
  • ILP 
  1. To create a new Type of Form, type the name of the new Form Type in the text field and select the Create button. 

The new Form Type will appear in the table with the Date Created and Who Created details automatically completed. 

  1. All Form Types can be archived by selecting the Archive option in the Actions column. Once archived the Last Edited and Last Edited By details will be automatically completed and the option available in the Actions column will change to Restore. 


  1. All Form Types can be edited by selecting the Pencil icon in the Actions column. 

This will open the Edit Form Type modal in which you can add a description and, if desired, apply an existing Form Template to the Form Type. 

  1. Select the Update button to save your changes, these will be displayed in the table and the Last Edited and Last Edited By details will be automatically completed. 

  1. When creating a New Form, the Form Type will appear in the drop-down list of available Form Types. 

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