EPAO Details

When you select the EPAO Details menu item, you will be redirected to the EPAO Details page.

Here you can enter details of any EPAOs that are involved in the End Point Assessment for an Apprentice. In future development, you will be able to select the EPAO against a Learner’s Standard Course and these details will then pull through to the Training Plan report.

Select the Add New button to add an EPAO, this will open a modal where you can enter details of the EPAO. The only mandatory fields are the Company Name and the EPA ORG ID (as detailed on the register of EPAOs).

EPAO detail modal

Once you have completed the details select Save and the record will be displayed in the table.

EPAO details table

Action buttons are displayed at the end of the row to allow you to Edit the EPAO record.

EPAOs can be added to a Learner's course (Standards only) and will pull through to the Training Plan.

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